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All You Wanted to Know And More


What is a Type canary”?

"Type or Posture canaries" are special breeds, from small smooth-feathered with and without crests, from large smooth-feathered with special shapes, postures and frills. Type canaries are bred for its special physical trait or shape rather than colour or song.

When is the best time to purchase a canary?

Canaries are seasonal breeders, normally breeding from March through July. Therefore, the best time to purchase a canary is late summer, when the moult is finished. A good breeder sells a canary only after the moult.

Singing both sexes?

No, only males are the songsters. Canary females are capable of singing a "small song". That makes it sometimes hard to distinguish between a male or a female.

How many categories of canaries are there?

The canaries are divided into 3 categories: 1. Song Canaries 2. Colour Canaries 3. Posture or Type Canaries

How many basic colours are there in canaries?

Canary birds have 3 basic colours, which are real mutations: 1. yellow 2. red 3. white

Is an orange canary also a mutation?

No, the orange colour in a canary bird is a breed between a yellow and a red canary. You can call it a combination. And, if a "Red Factor Canary" does not get the colour food, the plumage looks also orange.

How many categories of song canaries are there?

We have 3 recognized song canaries: 1. "German Harzer Roller" 2. "Belgium" or "Malinois Waterslager" 3. "Spanish Timbrado." These three kinds of song canaries are mainly recognized for exhibitions in Europe, but in North America, we have the "American Singer Canary" and in Russia the Russian Singer Canary. All special song canaries should need special training to learn the characteristic song. "The Persian (Rasmi) Singer" and the “The Kurdville Canary” belong more to the type (posture) canaries.

What is a chopper canary?

The chopper is not a special song canary. A "chopper canary" opens its beak wide in attaining some of its clear, free notes. The song of a chopper varies. There are no standards for the song of a chopper canary. A chopper canary sings cheerful, lively, and free with a lively and alert effect.

What is an “unflighted” canary?

When the canaries are about 10 to 12 weeks old the first moult begins. Now they will replace the whole nest feathers, except the flight feathers (= unflighted) of the wings and the tail feathers.

What is a “flighted” canary?

A “flighted” canary is a bird that is over one year old. In the 2nd year of life, all feathers are replaced including the flight feathers of the wings and the tail feathers and the canaries will be called a “flighted” or “over year” bird.

What are lipochrome canaries?

A lipochrome canary is a clear bird without any melanin (pigments) in the plumage.


Feeding your pet canary

A good quality seed mixture suitable for canaries can be the mainstay of their diet. Pelleted diets suitable for a canary can be offered as well. These are not as palatable as seeds but many owners keep a dish of pellets in the cage along with a dish of seeds. Fresh foods and greens should also be offered. Good choices include apples, raw dandelions, fresh corn on the cob, nearly any raw greens (spinach, chard, broccoli), and bits of hard-boiled eggs. Sprouted seeds are an excellent treat for your canary. As seeds are eaten the hulls may be left in the dish, so at a quick glance, the seed dish may look full when in fact it is just hulled. Blow the hulls off the seed dish at least daily and replenish the seeds as necessary.

Do Canaries like to take a bath?

Yes, canaries like it very much, but please note, that you not restrain the canary and try to scrub it. Try to put the water dish away from the food. Moist feed go moldy quickly. A shallow dish of water or a special bath bought at your local pet store should be provided at least once a week for bathing - if not more.

What can I give my bird to drink?

Fresh water from a hanging water dispenser should be available to your canary at all times.

Suspect your bird may have caught a disease?

There are numerous infectious diseases caused by an extraordinary variety of viruses, bacteria, parasites and other organisms to attack the bodies’ cells in birds. For this reason, protection to avoid infection is very important. Prevention before treatment should be the principle for the bird keeping. Clean cages and food containers, good and clean nutrition and daily changing the water, reduce the risk for an infection. The supply of a clean, dry aviary decreases the birds’ exposure to pathogens. Additional good management practices, good diet and effective parasite control strengthen the immune system and increase thus resistance to disease. Even if a new bird is introduced, it is recommended that that bird come initially in quarantine. Separate her for one month and survey her. At the first sign of an illness, it is advisable to contact a vet.


Cages - Get the largest cage possible, which allows for room for flight (a pet canary should never have his or her wings clipped and should be able to fly in the cage for exercise). "Flight" type cages are the best (home built or commercial) since they are designed to provide room to move. Remember that a long cage is better than a tall narrow one (the height is not all that important). Try to get a cage at least 60 cm (24 inches) long. Watch the spacing between bars - no more than 2 cm (1/2 inch). Wire cages are best, wood or bamboo cages are too difficult to keep clean.

Perches - Wood perches of varied diameter work best. Do not use sandpaper perch covers.

Temperature - Canaries are pretty hardy and can be kept at room temperature. Keep the cage away from draughts, air

conditioners and windows that receive direct sunlight (the cage and canary can get overheated).

Light - Canaries need their rest and will do best if given a light/dark cycle that approximates natural changes. Keeping them up late with artificial light is not healthy for them.

Toys - Provide toys, but place them in the cage in such a way as they do not obstruct flight space. Your canary might enjoy swings, mirrors, bells, string, and hanging wooden or acrylic toys.

Have more questions? Feel free to contact us and we’ll do our best to assist you.

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